Occupational Therapy Kit 

 PC-Kits Exercise Order
 Hand Care
 All Shoulder Exercises
 Abduction (Active)
 Abduction (Assistive)
 Abduction (Isometric)
 Abduction (Passive)
 Abduction and Adduction (Assistive)
 Adduction (Active)
 Adduction (Isometric)
 Adduction (Passive)
 Extension (Active)
 Extension (Assistive)
 Extension (Isometric)
 Extension (Passive)
 Extension (Resistive Band)
 External Rotation (Active)
 External Rotation (Assistive)
 External Rotation (Isometric)
 External Rotation (Passive)
 External Rotation (Passive)
 External Rotation (Resistive Band)
 Flexion (Active)
 Flexion (Assistive)
 Flexion (Isometric)
 Flexion (Passive)
 Flexion (Resistive Band)
 Horizontal Abduction (Resistive Band)
 Horizontal Abduction/Adduction (Isometric)
 Horizontal Adduction (Resistive Band)
 Internal Rotation (Active)
 Internal Rotation (Assistive)
 Internal Rotation (Isometric)
 Internal Rotation (Passive)
 Internal Rotation (Resistive Band)
 Pendulum Circular
 Pendulum Forward/Back
 Pendulum Side to Side
 Punching (Resistive)
 Rotation (Active)
 Throwing / Tossing (Active)
 Walk Up Exercise (Active/Assistive)
 Resistive Band
 Ordered by Category

 Click here to return to the list of VHI Exercise Kits.

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