Balance Training Kit 

 PC-Kits Exercise Order
 Ordered by Category
 Body Area or Part
 Body Mechanics / Posture
 Exercise Type
 Activities of Daily Living (ADL's) / Body Mechanics
 Closed Chain
 Open Chain
 Partial Weight Bearing
 Transitional Movements
 Trunk rotation
 Lateral With Medicine Ball Twist
 Medicine Ball Chop / Toss
 Medicine Ball Sweep
 Medicine Ball Sweep / Toss
 Multi-Directional Medicine Ball: Trunk Rotation
 One-Arm Chest Fly: Sweep
 One-Arm Chest Fly: Toe-Lunge Stance
 One-Arm Reverse Fly: Chop
 One-Arm Reverse Fly: Sweep
 One-Arm: Medicine Ball, Backhand Throw
 One-Arm: Medicine Ball, In / Out Sweep
 One-Leg Rotation
 Like Exercises / Name of Exercise
 Muscles - Lower Quadrant
 Muscles - Upper Quadrant

 Click here to return to the list of VHI Exercise Kits.

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