Orthopedic Kit 

Ankle and Foot: Range of Motion

Ankle and Foot: Flexibility

Ankle and Foot: Strengthening

Ankle and Foot: Proprioceptive Training

Back: Flexibility

Back: Strengthening

Back: Abdominal Training

Back: Pelvic Training

Back: Neural Tension

Spinal Mobilization: Cervical

Spinal Mobilization: Cervico-Thoracic

Spinal Mobilization: Upper Cervical

Spinal Mobilization: Upper Thoracic

Spinal Mobilization: Thoracic

Spinal Mobilization: Thoracolumbar

Spinal Mobilization: Lumbar

Spinal Mobilization: Pelvic

Cervical Spine: Range of Motion

Cervical Spine: Self-Mobilization

Cervical Spine: Flexibility

Cervical Spine: Strengthening

Cervical Spine: Neural Tension

TMJ: Self-Mobilization

TMJ: Strengthening

TMJ: Facial Exercise

Shoulder: Range of Motion - Wand

Shoulder: Range of Motion: Self-Mobilization

Shoulder: Self-Mobilization

Shoulder: Range of Motion

Shoulder: Scapular Stabilization

Shoulder: Isometric Strengthening

Shoulder: Progressive Resisted

Hand, Wrist and Elbow: Range of Motion

Hand, Wrist and Elbow: Strengthening

Hip / Knee

Trunk Stability: Basic Prone & Supine

Trunk Stability: Quadruped

Trunk Stability: Kneeling/Sitting/Standing

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