Orthopedic Kit 

 PC-Kits Exercise Order
 Ordered by Category
 Body Area or Part
 Body Mechanics / Posture
 Exercise Type
 Like Exercises / Name of Exercise
 Back/Lumbar Extension
 Bench Press
 Bicep Curl
 Calf Raises
 Cervical Isometrics
 Chest Press
 Closed Chain
 Coordination Motor Planning
 Crunch / Sit Up
 Grip Strengthening
 Hamstring Curls
 Handwriting skills
 Hip Hike
 Hip Rotation
 Isolated finger movements
 Jaw control
 Lat Pull Down
 Lateral Raise
 Pelvic Clock
 Pelvic Tilt
 Pinch - 3 point, 2 point,
 Press Up
 Quad Set
 Quadruped / Pointer Dog / Opposite Arm Leg Lift
 Serratus Punches
 Shoulder Abduction
 Shoulder Adduction
 ROM: Horizontal Abduction / Adduction - Wand
 Strengthening: Isometric Adduction
 Strengthening: Resisted Adduction
 Strengthening: Shoulder Shrug (Phase 1)
 Shoulder Extension
 Shoulder External Rotation
 Shoulder Flexion
 Shoulder Internal Rotation
 Shoulder Press / Military Press
 Slump Tests
 Step Exercises
 Straight Leg Raise
 Terminal Knee Extension
 Thomas Stretch
 Thoracic Spine Extension
 Tricep Extension
 Trunk Rotation
 Wrist Curl
 Wrist Extension
 Muscles - Lower Quadrant
 Muscles - Upper Quadrant

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