Orthopedic Kit 

 PC-Kits Exercise Order
 Ordered by Category
 Body Area or Part
 Body Mechanics / Posture
 Exercise Type
 Like Exercises / Name of Exercise
 Frontal Plane
 Radial deviation
 AROM: Lateral Neck Flexion
 Flexibility: Neck Stretch
 Flexibility: Upper Trapezius Stretch
 Kneeling to Supine
 Levator Scapula Stretch
 Lumbar Side-Bend (All-Fours)
 Lumbar Side-Bend (Sitting)
 Lumbar Side-Bend: Legs Over Edge (Side-Lying)
 Lumbar Side-Bend: Over Edge - Partner (Side-Lying)
 Lumbar Side-Bend: Partner (Side-Lying)
 Lumbar Side-Bend: with Flexion Stretch (Kneeling)
 Lumbar Side-Bend: with Leg Swing (All-Fours)
 Mid-Back Rotation Stretch
 Neck Retraction: Side-Bend
 Quadratus Stretch
 Quadratus Stretch
 ROM: Caudal Glide
 Side-Bend: Head on Pillow
 Side-Bend: Resisted - Beginning to Mid Range (Supine)
 Side-Bend: Resisted - Inner Range
 Side-Bend: Resisted - Mid to End Range (Supine)
 Side-Bend: Resisted - Outer Range
 Strengthening: Alternating Isometrics (in Lateral Flexion)
 Strengthening: Alternating Isometrics (in Neutral)
 Strengthening: Lateral Bend - Isometric (in Neutral)
 Strengthening: Lateral Flexion - Isometric (Out of Neutral)
 Strengthening: Lateral Flexion - Resisted, Beginning to End Range
 Strengthening: Lateral Flexion - Resisted, Mid to End Range
 Stretching: Tensor
 Thoracic Side-Bend (Standing)
 Thoracic Side-Bend: Off Table (Side-Lying)
 Thoracolumbar Side-Bend: Arms Folded (Standing)
 Thoracolumbar Side-Bend: Bar (Standing)
 Thoracolumbar Side-Bend: Bolster (Side-Lying)
 Thoracolumbar Side-Bend: Caudal (All-Fours)
 Thoracolumbar Side-Bend: Caudal - Bolster (Side-Lying)
 Thoracolumbar Side-Bend: Cranial (Kneeling)
 Thoracolumbar Side-Bend: Double Arm (Standing)
 Thoracolumbar Side-Bend: Manual (Standing)
 Thoracolumbar Side-Bend: Single Arm (Standing)
 Thoracolumbar Side-Bend: Wall Lean
 Upper Cervical Rotation Mobilization
 Upper Cervical Side-Bend Mobilization
 Upper Limb Neural Tension: Median II
 Upper Limb Neural Tension: Median III
 Upper Limb Neural Tension: Radial I
 Upper Limb Neural Tension: Radial II
 Upper Limb Neural Tension: Radial III
 Upper Limb Neural Tension: Ulnar I
 Upper Limb Neural Tension: Ulnar II
 Wall Lean Stretch
 Ulnar deviation
 Sagittal Plane
 Transverse Plane
 Muscles - Lower Quadrant
 Muscles - Upper Quadrant

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