Orthopedic Kit 

 PC-Kits Exercise Order
 Ordered by Category
 Body Area or Part
 Body Mechanics / Posture
 Exercise Type
 Activities of Daily Living (ADL's) / Body Mechanics
 Closed Chain
 Dexterity/Fine Motor
 Full Weight Bearing
 Mobilization (self mob, joint mob, soft tissue mob)
 Non-Weight Bearing
 Open Chain
 Partial Weight Bearing
 Abdominal Curl-Up (Supine)
 Abdominal Curl: Cross-Pattern (Supine)
 Abdominal Curl: Resisted
 Advanced Straight Leg Raise
 Arm / Leg Extension: Alternate (All-Fours)
 Arm / Leg Lift: Opposite (Prone)
 Axial Extension
 Axial Extension: Arms Over Edge
 Axial Extension: Over Edge
 Back Extension: Single Leg (Over Chair)
 Backward Lean (Kneeling)
 Balance / Reach
 Bent Knee Lift (Prone)
 Bent Leg Lift (Hook-Lying)
 Bilateral Arm Raise (Kneeling)
 Bilateral Isometric Hip Flexion
 Bridging: with Straight Leg Raise
 Closing: Isometric
 Closing: Isometric Resisted
 Combination (Hook-Lying)
 Deep Squat
 Diagonal Curl-Up: Phase 3
 Double Knee Lift
 Elbow Extension: Chair Stand - Resisted
 Elbow Extension: Press - Resisted
 Elbow Extension: Resisted
 Elbow Extension: Resisted
 Elbow Extension: Resisted
 Elbow Flexion: Resisted
 Elbow Flexion: Resisted
 Elbow Flexion: Resisted
 Extension (Kneeling)
 Extension (Prone)
 Extension: Double Leg - Bent (Over Chair)
 Extension: Double Leg - Straight (Over Chair)
 Extension: Resisted
 Extension: Resisted
 Extension: Resisted
 Extension: Resisted - Inner Range
 Extension: Resisted - Mid to End Range (Side-Lying)
 External Rotation (Prone)
 Extremity Flexion (Hook-Lying)
 Facial Exercise: Eyebrow Frown
 Facial Exercise: Eyebrow Raise
 Facial Exercise: Lower Lip
 Facial Exercise: Nose Wrinkle
 Facial Exercise: Platysma Frown
 Facial Exercise: Pursed Lips
 Facial Exercise: Smile
 Facial Exercise: Squint
 Facial Exercise: Upper Lip
 Finger Abduction: Resisted
 Finger Extension / Thumb Abduction: Resisted
 Finger Extension: Resisted
 Finger Extension: Resisted
 Finger Flexion: Resisted
 Finger Flexion: Resisted
 Flexibility: Neck Retraction
 Flexion: Resisted
 Flexion: Resisted - Beginning to Mid Range (Side-Lying)
 Flexion: Resisted - Inner Range
 Flexion: Resisted - Mid to End Range (Side-Lying)
 Forearm Pronation / Supination: Resisted (Sitting)
 Forearm Pronation: Isometric
 Forearm Pronation: Resisted
 Forearm Supination / Pronation: Resisted
 Forearm Supination: Isometric
 Forearm Supination: Resisted
 Forward Lean (All-Fours)
 Forward Lean to Half-Kneeling (Sitting)
 Forward Lunge
 Functional Pattern Strengthening: Backhand
 Functional Pattern Strengthening: Forehand
 Functional Pattern Strengthening: Serving / Throwing
 Functional Quadriceps: Chair Squat
 Functional Quadriceps: Sit to Stand
 Gluteal Sets
 Half-Kneeling to Standing
 Hamstring Curl: Resisted (Prone)
 Hamstring Curl: Resisted (Sitting)
 Heel Raise (Sitting)
 Heel Raise: Bilateral (Standing)
 Heel Raise: Unilateral (Standing)
 Heel Squeeze (Prone)
 Heel Walk (Hook-Lying)
 Hip Abduction (All-Fours)
 Hip Extension (All-Fours)
 Hip Extension (Prone)
 Hip Extension: Bilateral - Support
 Hip Extension: Unilateral - Support
 Hip Internal Rotation: Resisted
 Isometric Abdominal
 Knee Extension (Sitting)
 Knee Extension: Resisted (Sitting)
 Knee Flexion: Resisted (Sitting)
 Knee Flexion: Resisted (Standing)
 Knee Raise (Hook-Lying)
 Kneeling to Standing
 Kneeling to Supine
 Lateral Glide: Isometric
 LE Diagonal Extension 1: Resisted
 LE Diagonal Extension 2: Resisted
 LE Diagonal Flexion 1: Resisted
 LE Diagonal Flexion 2: Resisted
 Leg Raise (Pike-Lying)
 Lifting Simulation: Resisted
 Lower Trunk Rotation
 Lumbar Backward Rotation: Resisted (Sitting)
 Lumbar Diagonal Rotation: Resisted (Standing 1)
 Lumbar Diagonal Rotation: Resisted (Standing 2)
 Lumbar Rotation: Resisted (Standing)
 Lumbar Rotation: Resisted (Supine)
 Lumbar Side-Bend: Legs Over Edge (Side-Lying)
 Lumbar Side-Bend: Over Edge - Partner (Side-Lying)
 Lumbar Side-Bend: Partner (Side-Lying)
 Mini Squat: With Ball Squeeze
 Neck Extension
 Neck Retraction: Side-Bend
 Opening: Isometric
 Opposite Arm / Leg Lift (Prone)
 Partial Sit-Up: for Lower Abdominals
 Pelvic Tilt
 Pelvic Tilt: Posterior - Legs Bent (Supine)
 Pelvic Tilt: Posterior - Legs Straight (Supine)
 PNF Strengthening: Resisted
 PNF Strengthening: Resisted
 PNF Strengthening: Resisted
 PNF Strengthening: Resisted
 Progressive Resisted: Abduction (Standing)
 Progressive Resisted: Extension (Prone)
 Progressive Resisted: Extension (Standing)
 Progressive Resisted: External Rotation (Side-Lying)
 Progressive Resisted: Flexion (Standing)
 Progressive Resisted: Flexion (Supine)
 Progressive Resisted: Internal Rotation (Side-Lying)
 Protrusion: Isometric
 Pulling Simulation: Resisted
 Pushing Simulation: Resisted
 Quad Set: Slight Flexion
 Quadriceps Set (Prone)
 Radial Deviation: Resisted
 Resisted External Rotation: Abduction - Bilateral
 Resisted External Rotation: in Neutral - Bilateral
 Resisted Horizontal Abduction: Bilateral
 Resisted Shoulder Flexion: Bilateral
 Rotation: Resisted - Beginning to Mid Range (Supine)
 Rotation: Resisted - Inner Range
 Rotation: Resisted - Mid to End Range (Supine)
 Rowing: Resisted (Sitting)
 Scapular Retraction: Bilateral
 Scapular: Flexion (Prone)
 Scapular: Protraction - 90° of Flexion
 Scapular: Retraction (Prone)
 Scapular: Retraction in External Rotation
 Scapular: Stabilization (Prone)
 Side Lunge
 Side-Bend: Resisted - Beginning to Mid Range (Supine)
 Side-Bend: Resisted - Inner Range
 Side-Bend: Resisted - Mid to End Range (Supine)
 Side-Bend: Resisted - Outer Range
 Step-Down / Step-Up
 Straight Leg Raise
 Straight Leg Raise (Prone)
 Straight Leg Raise: With External Leg Rotation
 Straight Leg: with Bent Knee (Supine)
 Strengthening: Alternating Isometrics (in Lateral Flexion)
 Strengthening: Alternating Isometrics (in Neutral)
 Strengthening: Alternating Isometrics (in Rotation)
 Strengthening: Chest Pull - Resisted
 Strengthening: Depression
 Strengthening: Depression - with Arm Support
 Strengthening: Extension - Isometric (in Neutral)
 Strengthening: Extension - Isometric (Out of Neutral)
 Strengthening: Extension - Resisted
 Strengthening: External Rotation - in 90° of Abduction
 Strengthening: Flexion - Isometric (in Neutral)
 Strengthening: Flexion - Isometric (Out of Neutral)
 Strengthening: Flexion - Resisted
 Strengthening: Hamstring Set
 Strengthening: Hamstring Set
 Strengthening: Hip Abduction (Side-Lying)
 Strengthening: Hip Abduction - Isometric
 Strengthening: Hip Abduction - Resisted
 Strengthening: Hip Abductor - Resisted
 Strengthening: Hip Adduction (Side-Lying)
 Strengthening: Hip Adduction - Isometric
 Strengthening: Hip Adduction - Resisted
 Strengthening: Hip Extension (Prone)
 Strengthening: Hip Extension - Resisted
 Strengthening: Hip Flexion - Isometric
 Strengthening: Hip Flexion - Resisted
 Strengthening: Horizontal Abduction - with External Rotation (Prone)
 Strengthening: Horizontal Abduction - with Interior Rotation (Prone)
 Strengthening: Internal Rotation - in 90° of Abduction
 Strengthening: Knee Flexion (Standing)
 Strengthening: Lateral Bend - Isometric (in Neutral)
 Strengthening: Lateral Flexion - Isometric (Out of Neutral)
 Strengthening: Lateral Flexion - Resisted, Beginning to End Range
 Strengthening: Lateral Flexion - Resisted, Mid to End Range
 Strengthening: Quadriceps Set
 Strengthening: Resisted Abduction
 Strengthening: Resisted Adduction
 Strengthening: Resisted Diagonal
 Strengthening: Resisted Diagonal Extension
 Strengthening: Resisted Diagonal Extension
 Strengthening: Resisted Extension
 Strengthening: Resisted External Rotation
 Strengthening: Resisted Flexion
 Strengthening: Resisted Horizontal Abduction
 Strengthening: Resisted Horizontal Adduction
 Strengthening: Resisted Internal Rotation
 Strengthening: Rotation - Isometric (in Neutral)
 Strengthening: Rotation - Isometric (Out of Neutral)
 Strengthening: Rotation - Resisted
 Strengthening: Rotation - Resisted, Beginning to End Range
 Strengthening: Scaption - with External Rotation
 Strengthening: Shoulder Shrug (Phase 1)
 Strengthening: Shoulder Shrug (Phase 2) - Resisted
 Strengthening: Straight Leg Raise (Phase 1)
 Strengthening: Straight Leg Raise (Phase 2)
 Strengthening: Straight Leg Raise (Phase 3)
 Strengthening: Terminal Knee Extension (Supine)
 Strengthening: Wall Push-Up
 Strengthening: Wall Slide
 Supraspinatus Strengthening
 Terminal Knee Extension (Standing)
 Thumb / Finger Flexion
 Thumb Abduction: Resisted
 Thumb Extension: Isometric
 Thumb Extension: Resisted
 Thumb Flexion: Isometric
 Thumb Flexion: Resisted
 Thumb Opposition: Resisted
 Toe Raise (Sitting)
 Toe Raise (Standing)
 Towel Roll Squeeze
 Ulnar Deviation: Resisted
 Unilateral Isometric Hip Flexion
 Upper / Lower Extremity Extension (All-Fours)
 Upper Back Extension: Partner (Over Chair)
 Upper Body Extension
 Upper Body Extension (All-Fours)
 Upper Cervical Flexion Mobilization
 Upper Cervical Flexion: Resisted
 Upper Extremity Extension (All-Fours)
 Wall Slide
 Wrist Elbow Flexion: Resisted - Palm Up
 Wrist Extension: Isometric
 Wrist Extension: Resisted
 Wrist Extension: Resisted
 Wrist Flexion: Isometric
 Wrist Flexion: Resisted
 Wrist Flexion: Resisted
 Wrist Radial Deviation: Isometric
 Wrist Radial Deviation: Resisted
 Wrist Radial Deviation: Resisted (Standing)
 Wrist Ulnar Deviation: Isometric
 Wrist Ulnar Deviation: Resisted
 Wrist Ulnar Deviation: Resisted (Standing)
 Tendon Gliding
 Transitional Movements
 Trunk rotation
 Vascular / Edema Management
 Like Exercises / Name of Exercise
 Muscles - Lower Quadrant
 Muscles - Upper Quadrant

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