Geriatric Strengthening Kit 

 PC-Kits Exercise Order
 Ordered by Category
 Body Area or Part
 Glutes / Gluteals
 Low Back
 Lower Extremity
 Incline: Lat Pull Down (Eccentric)
 Incline: Lat Pull Down (Manual Resistance)
 Incline: Rowing (Manual Resistance)
 Sitting: Horizontal Press - Exercise Ball (Active)
 Sitting: Horizontal Press - Resistance Band (Active)
 Sitting: Lat Pull Down - Exercise Ball (Manual Resistance)
 Sitting: Lat Pull Down - Resistance Band (Active)
 Sitting: Rowing - Exercise Ball, Resistance Band (Active)
 Sitting: Rowing - Resistance Band (Active)
 Standing: Barbell Row - Power
 Standing: Barbell Row - Stable (Active)
 Standing: Dumbbell Push Press - Unstable
 Standing: Dumbbell Row - Power
 Standing: Dumbbell Row - Stable
 Supine: Lat Pull Down (Active - Assistance)
 Supine: Lat Pull Down (Active)
 Supine: Lat Pull Down (Manual Resistance)
 Upper Extremity
 Body Mechanics / Posture
 Exercise Type
 Like Exercises / Name of Exercise
 Muscles - Lower Quadrant
 Muscles - Upper Quadrant

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